Thursday, August 20, 2015

Stress Stressing You Out? Change Your Thoughts and Find More Time!

We all encounter stress from day to day and minute to minute.

It's a fundamental fact of living for everyone, stress is. Since it's built right in to the human condition, it's not the absence of stress that we should strive for - but better ways to manage it.

How we deal with stress determines whether it saps our energy and creativity, or actually gives us a boost. It's in our hands to decide whether our stress moves us forward or holds us back.

Stress Traps You and Devours Your Time!

Stressful thinking is pressured thinking, making it often frenzied, inaccurate, and unreliable. Stress springs from scarcity. We feel, literally, boxed in, with time, energy, and ideas in short supply.

This is a very negative place to work from - and when we are in that place, it's easy to assume that this is the way life has to be. But this is most definitely not the case!

Relieving the stress that has you trapped begins with a positive thought.

Stress, Your Thinking and Your Time

Stress may feel like it arises from your circumstances, but it is very much a product of your thinking!

If your thoughts are shaped by a scarcity and/or a victim mentality, this profoundly affects the way you approach life. It affects EVERYTHING, including your body, mind, and spirit - and this ripples out to negatively impact your decisions, your work, your relationships... you name it. Your are stuck in a stress-filled box, and it feels like there is no way out!

But when you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you have the power to move forward in a healthier and more productive way. With practice you can change your thought process, and it all begins with just a few words.

Stress and the Power of A Few Words...

Affirmations are positive statements that stimulate your mind and spark your energy. When you find and use an affirmation that speaks to you on a deep level - and you reaffirm it by repeating it often - you can make the statement your mantra and your reality.

But that's not where you start when you are feeling negative and stressed. From that place, a list of affirmations probably looks like nothing more than a list of idealistic words that don't apply to you.

This is where you need to commit to making a small leap of faith. When you see a positive phrase that speaks to you - even in a small way - write it down (writing helps anchor the phrase in your memory). Repeat it, too and let it sink in. With perseverance, this word or phrase will become more and more real to you, eventually extinguishing the negative thought that has snagged you in a puddle of stress.

You are replacing your negative thinking pattern with a positive approach. This is what positive affirmations are all about!

If you're really stuck and don't know where to start, an affirmation such as, "Positive thinking is my way of thinking." offers a place to begin. It may feel awkward at first, but with each repetition, you are making inroads. Observe how you feel, because you will feel a change in your energy and your stress level.

The power truly is in your hands. Are you ready to start exercising it? Drop me a line, because I'd love to hear about your experience with affirmations, your stress, and your time!

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